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From moonlight to sunshine routines
  • Mayuri Ramdasi
  • 10 Jul, 2023

From moonlight to sunshine routines � Understanding the importance of sleeping & waking up routines for autistic children

Almost every person has a routine they follow during the day or night, whether they are a child or an adult.

Setting an everyday routine is crucial, as it helps us stay on track and ensures a positive and productive day. Now, let's discuss the importance of a routine for children. It aids in the development of life skills, promotes healthy habits, and establishes consistency.

Having a daily routine is essential. It keeps us on track and results in a more cheerful and productive day. Now, let's delve into the topic of routines for children, which contribute to the development of life skills, the formation of healthy habits, and the establishment of consistency. When it comes to autistic children, having a morning and night routine is particularly beneficial.

Allow me to shed some light on what a morning and night routine for an autistic child should be like. What can you do to ensure your child's mornings are healthy and happy, and their nights are peaceful?


A Perfect Bedtime Routine for Your Child

Let's begin with the night routine. A nighttime schedule is extremely important for young children as it helps to establish a routine. This routine can be especially beneficial for autistic children, providing them with structure and predictability. Following a specific routine not only benefits the mother but also makes it easier and less tiring for the child. Additionally, a consistent routine promotes restful and sound sleep, leading to a hassle-free morning. Therefore, having a good sleep is of utmost importance.

Before your child goes to bed, ensure that he/she is well-fed and that everything is going well for the child. Here, the activity begins, and it is essential for not only the mother but the entire family to come together and foster family bonding.

What we can do is pick up the child and have him/her sit on our lap. Engage in a normal conversation with the child about the day while simultaneously tapping your leg in a rhythmic pattern. This rhythmic tapping will initiate a calming and soothing effect, alleviating the tiredness of the day. Any or all family members can take turns doing this. It is not solely the mother's duty but a responsibility shared by everyone in the family. Additionally, playing rhythmic sounds from any instrument can also help calm the child's mind.

Having said that, I would also like to emphasize the effectiveness of a mother's voice and touch on a child from birth. It is a superpower possessed by every mother. While putting the child to sleep, a mother can utilize her voice by singing lullabies or narrating a story, engaging the child while cuddling or gently patting them until they fall asleep.

This is not a one-day job. You will have to practice this everyday until it becomes a habit.


A Perfect Waking-Up Routine for Your Child

For the morning routine, pay close attention to your child's waking-up time and be present with them when they wake up. I understand that mornings can be busy with household chores and other tasks, but it's important to make adjustments for your child, right? Consider waking up a little earlier and completing your chores before your child wakes up so that you can be there for them when they open their eyes for the first time during the day.

Here's what you can do: when they wake up, sit with them, cuddle, and slowly start talking, wishing them "Good Morning" and informing them about the activities ahead, such as brushing their teeth and taking a bath. You can also ask them what they would like for breakfast or let them know that after bathing, breakfast will be served, mentioning specific options like Idlis or pancakes. While having breakfast, engage in conversations about things they enjoy or recent events, such as a trip to the mall or having ice cream. Remember to use different intonations and interjections when you speak, expressing happiness with a happy tone and sadness with a sad tone. This will help them understand your emotions.

Initially, it may be challenging to manage, as establishing a routine takes time. However, keep at it and make it a habit. It is highly recommended that you be there when your child wakes up, as it will provide a calming effect rather than them waking up and searching for you in anxiety.

I would like to share a short story to illustrate this point. In Indian mythology, there is a character called Lord Krishna. When he was around one or one and a half years old, his entire neighborhood, known as 'Gop' and 'Gopis,' would gather around to sing songs and talk to him just to wake him up in the morning, creating a celebratory atmosphere.

Similarly, approach your child with enthusiasm, love, and compassion while waking him/her up. By doing so, you can ensure their happiness and positivity throughout the day.

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